about the birch
White Birch Special Needs Day Program was established in May 2014 with a grand opening celebration in August 2014. Located in the small town of Palgrave in Caledon on a one acre property the Birch offers a unique setting for all adults with special needs. White Birch has three classrooms designed and set up to enhance the quality of life of individuals with special needs. Each classroom is equipped with computers, tablets, t.v's, books, crafts, etc. You name it we have it. Our property has plenty of room for participants to enjoy sports, cruise around in their chairs, or simply enjoy the serenity Palgrave has to offer. Close by we are surrounded by beautiful walking trails that we take full advantage of, a soon to be fully accessible park, an equestrian center, Albion Hills Conservation Area and much more. In the classrooms participants will focus on life skills, social skills, and of course having fun. We touch on a little bit of everything to ensure everyone's mind is engaged. Did we mention we also go on trips?
We have a simple motto at The Birch, everyone is accepted and welcomed into our family. Whether you have high needs, low needs, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome or even Cri Du Chat, you are welcomed with open arms, and we will do what is necessary to give the participant the best experience possible. We work closely with parents and family members to ensure all the needs of the participant are met. We operate 5 days a week 8:30 to 3:30 with transportation provided all year around with the exception of Christmas and the first week of August. Participants have the freedom to attend the program as many days a week as they like. Also if families are looking for a little extra help outside our hours, we do that to. When someone with special needs graduates from high school, its sometimes a scary thing to find out whats next. That's why White Birch was put together, to make it not scary for the individual and their families. To give them a place they can call home, a place thats safe, secure, engaging, and most importantly a place that belongs to them.

Our Services
day program
Our day program offers a unique opportunity for Adults with special needs. Our day runs from 8:30 to 3:30. Participants are to bring their own lunch. Baking happens during the week, and sometimes we do a BBQ in the nicer weather. Participants will engage in life and social skills activities. They will also participate in some fantastic crafts, music time, and sports to keep their mind and body moving. All classrooms are equipped with computers and tablets to keep them connected and learning. Two fully accessible washrooms makes it easier for those who need it. Participants get to make our heritage building their own, by taking part in everything that goes on at White Birch. Did we mention we also have a big one acre property to call our own that is perfect for sports, cruising around in their chairs, or just enjoying the beauty our small town has to offer. There is also a walking trails that we take full advantage of, an equestrian center for some horse competitions, and a fully accessible park.
one to one worker
If parents and participants are looking for extra support to attend the day program we are here to help. White Birch will provide a fully trained worker to work directly with your individual with special needs. This can be needed due to behavior issues, self care, or just parental preference. We encourage parents to work towards the participant not needing a 1-1 worker. The worker we provide you will work towards getting the participant away from needing the extra support, which will help lower the costs for parents.
Transhelp offers service to White Birch. We can help parents set up trans help for those who are eligible so participants can get out of the city, enjoy a beautiful country drive and come up to the country for an experience they will love.

$85.00 Daily program rate
The daily rate is for participants to attend the program on the day of their choosing. We operate on a month to month commitment. So if one month you want to attend 3 days, but want to change it for the next, just let us know before the next month and your all set. *no hst*
$225.00 One to one worker
If you are in need of a one to one worker, we can help provide that to. We know some people need a little extra attention, and some parents prefer a one to one worker. The rate is designed to cover the cost of the worker, and not charge extra for the program itself. *no hst*
the white birch gang

Our email is whitebirchdayprogram@gmail.com and the phone number is 416-918-8711.
Please feel free to call, text, or email your questions.
Address: 17090 Regional Road 50, Palgrave, ON, L7E 0L2